Conference Tracks
- Adaptive Learning Technology
- Algorithms
- Applications of Computer Science in Modeling
- AR/VR/MR-Metaverse and Digital Twin
- Artificial Intelligence
- Big Data Analytics
- Bio-informatics
- Blockchain for application solutions
- Business Aspects of IT Convergence
- Cloud Computing
- Computer Architecture
- Computer Games and Animation
- Computer Graphics and Multimedia
- Computer in Agriculture
- Computer Networks
- Computer Vision
- Computing in Energy Technology
- Computing in Hybrid/Convergence Service/Technology
- Computing in Medical Service/Technology
- Cyber Security and Data Privacy
- Cyber-Physical Systems
- Data Mining
- Database Systems
- Deep Learning
- Digital Signal and Image Processing
- Digital System and Logic Design
- Distributed and Parallel Systems
- E-commerce and E-governance
- Formal Methods
- Fuzzy Logic
- Graph Theory and Computing
- High performance and Next Generation Computing
- Human Computer Interaction
- Information and Technology fo Smart Cities
- Information Security
- Information Systems
- Internet and Web Applications
- Internet of Things
- Knowledge and Data Engineering
- Language Processing
- Learning Management System and e-Learning
- Location-based Technology.
- Machine Learning
- Mobile computing
- Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
- Operating Systems
- Pattern Recognition
- Programming Languages
- Robotics
- Sensors
- Software Engineering
- Swam Intelligence
- System Security and Control
- Telepresence Technologies
- Ubiquitous Computing